Structural Layout Diagonal Calculation Without Calculator
So as you see in the footage, three multiplication table have been used
Like there is a multiplication table of 3 and 4 and 5
First side means A side, we will mark the multiplication table of 3
Second side means B side, we will mark the multiplication table of 4
You can take any number of zeros
Like in the multiplication table of 3, we take 3 + 000 and on the other side also = 3000.
Like in multiplication table of 4, take 4 + 000 = 4000
how much you can increase 0
Its answer will be 5000 meters
In this way, no matter how big the layout you want to mark, you can do it using this formula
A side multiplication table of 3
B side multiplication table of 4
C side multiplication table of 5
A 3000 B 4000 answer C 5000
अगर साइज बढ़ाना हो तो अंक में 00000 बढ़ा सकते हैं
दोनों साइड डाइमेंशन में 0 एक बराबर बढ़ाना होगा
If you want to increase the size, you can increase the number by 00000.
If you want to mark in long dimension of layout then you can increase zero in it.
0 will have to be increased equally in both side dimensions
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